The Power Of Social Media Influencers
By Merlin Software CEO and Chief Architect, Mike Pnematicatos
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years, you will be aware that social media has overtaken our lives.
Zombie scrolling now consumes possibly more time than any other human activity. And no one makes decisions anymore without asking strangers for recommendations.
This drives me crazy when someone asks for the best brain surgeon in town at the lowest possible price on my FB neighbourhood group. I mean, come on. Do you want strangers to recommend a brain surgeon, and then you want the cheapest one?
But what really kills me are the replies. Every darn brain surgeon from here to Timbuctoo gets recommended. So now, are you better off than just Googling “cheap brain surgeon for hire”?
Then there are the lost pets and the reposts of reposts of lost pets from 2011. The pet has long since been found, and still, you are reposting! And the best is, the pet was lost in Outer Mongolia, and there you are, reposting in your local neighbourhood group for a lost pet three continents away.
Anyway, as much as these things drive me crazy, they are here to stay for now. So if you cannot beat them, join them.
My preferred route to recommendations is not to ask my FB neighbourhood group but instead to rely on Social Media Influencers.
After all, do I want the neighbourhood to know I’m looking for a plastic surgeon, even if I preface it with “asking for a friend”?
So what is a Social Media Influencer?
This is someone who has a loyal following on Social Media and who is trusted. They usually operate in a specific niche (fashion, for instance), and in many cases, they can set trends and boost the brands they choose to represent. Many of them are, in fact, paid brand ambassadors.
Others, without even knowing it, simply gather a following and, over time, become trusted. What they say goes. They differ from celebrities. Celebs are passive. They are copied, but they do nothing to promote (unless paid).
On the other hand, the influencers are active and push out recommendations and opinions (whether paid or not), which their followers then adopt.
So why are influencers important? First, they can increase your brand awareness and enhance your credibility. They do this because they are trusted. They create content, and as you may know, content is king.
Quality leads come from this marketing because it’s more targeted and more likely to get through to those who wish to buy and are looking for what you offer.
According to some reports, influencers are guaranteed to increase your investment return by up to 11 times. A large percentage (up to 40 per cent) of consumers purchase products based on recommendations. Having an influencer make that recommendation is far better than having 17 strangers on your FB neighbourhood group.
Finally, call me if your business sells widgets that generate dad jokes. I am your perfect Social Media Influencer!
Tell me about your experiences.
Have you used the services of a social media influencer for your company or brand? If so, how was your experience, what were your results and, importantly, would you do it again?