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The Development Of Web Apps For Business Use

The development of web apps for business use

The development of web apps for business use has come a long way since the early days of the World Wide Web. In the early 1990s, the primary use of the Internet was to share information and resources.

However, as technology advanced and the Internet became more accessible, businesses began to see the potential for using web apps to streamline their operations and improve efficiency.

One of the earliest and most influential web applications for business was the customer relationship management (CRM) system. CRM systems were designed to help companies manage their customer interactions, including sales, marketing, and customer service.

These systems were typically installed on remote servers and accessed through a web browser rather than being installed on local computers or servers. Over time, CRM systems evolved to include features such as lead tracking, opportunity management, and marketing automation.

One of the biggest trends in web apps for business in recent years has been the rise of cloud computing. Cloud computing allows companies to rent computing resources, such as storage and processing power, from large data centres over the Internet.

This has greatly simplified the deployment and maintenance of web applications, as businesses no longer need to invest in expensive hardware and software to run their applications.

Additionally, cloud computing has made it easier for companies to scale their applications up or down as needed without worrying about the cost and complexity of managing their own IT infrastructure.

Merlin Software, for example, is a cloud-based software solution that is installed and managed on Rackspace servers in London. It supports a wide range of business operations, including CRM, inventory management, accounting and day-to-day business activities.

The software and web apps allow resorts and hotels to manage customer interactions and relationships through every stage, from initial marketing lead to membership. It is also highly customisable, with our clients able to tailor the software to their specific needs and integrate it with other software solutions.

The development of social media has also had a significant impact on web applications for business. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become essential tools for companies looking to engage with customers and build their brands. In addition, social media management tools have emerged to help businesses manage their social media presence, monitor their reputation, and track the results of their social media marketing efforts.

Another trend in web apps for business has been the growth of mobile applications. With the widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets, companies increasingly use mobile applications to reach customers and employees on the go.

Mobile applications can be used for various business functions, including sales, marketing, customer service, and employee productivity. Mobile applications have also enabled businesses to reach customers innovatively through location-based services, push notifications, and augmented reality.

Despite these advances, developing web apps for business is not without challenges.

One of the biggest challenges is security. As web applications become more critical to companies, they become more attractive targets for cybercriminals. As a result, businesses need to ensure that their web applications are secure, both from a technical standpoint (e.g., protecting against hacking and data theft) and from a legal perspective (e.g., ensuring compliance with privacy regulations).

When it comes to Merlin Software’s suite of web apps, we have invested heavily in security measures to protect customer data. We use redundant hard drives and servers, plus make daily backups to a second data centre in the event there is an issue. Redundant servers simply mean active/passive physical machines, with one mirroring the other. If the active server goes down for any reason, the passive server takes over immediately and automatically.

In addition, we ensure that all data is denuded of personally identifiable information on development servers. As such, none of our programmers or development team working on the software can see real client data. While access to our live servers and database is restricted to just two people within the company.

Finally, all credit card details are encrypted, and Merlin is both PCI and GDPR-compliant.

Another challenge facing web applications for business is the need for interoperability. With so many different web applications available, companies must ensure that their applications can work seamlessly. This can be difficult, as different web applications often use different data formats and protocols. Therefore, businesses must invest in technology that can bridge these gaps, such as APIs and data integration tools.

Merlin’s web apps support API services within the business, for example, between the resort’s website and Merlin, and with third-party suppliers such as OTAs to ensure all data is current and live, avoiding duplication errors.

Finally, web applications for business are also facing increasing competition from other technologies. For example, artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming increasingly important in business, and many companies are investing in these technologies to automate tasks and improve their decision-making processes.

Merlin uses machine learning that allows our clients to translate the data for the most used information into the various languages and alphabets they require. Merlin allows you to enter foreign characters into the first and last names fields. It also allows you to search for names using these foreign characters/alphabet. 

This localisation allows for the translation of static information and dynamic data and the use of every known alphabet. In addition, it enables finding names using the Latin alphabet version or any foreign alphabet. 

Going forward, through AI and machine learning technology, static pages and dynamic data will be automatically translated into the chosen language and alphabet of the user. The more this functionality is used, the more translated data will be shown, with all translations automatically stored.

While web applications can undoubtedly support these technologies, companies must consider whether they should develop their own custom applications or use third-party solutions already on the market.

Despite these challenges, developing web applications for business remains a dynamic and exciting field. New technologies and tools are constantly emerging, making it easier for companies to create and deploy powerful web applications that meet their specific needs. Moreover, as the Internet continues to evolve, new opportunities will likely emerge for businesses to use web applications in new and innovative ways.

In conclusion, the development of web applications for business has come a long way since the early days of the World Wide Web. From CRM and ERP systems to social media and cloud computing, web applications have transformed how businesses operate and engage with customers. With the continued evolution of technology and the Internet, the future of web applications for business looks bright. Companies will likely continue to rely on these tools to stay ahead of the competition.

For more information about Merlin’s suite of web apps, contact Mark Thomas at or request an online demo.

Image: Carl Heyerdahl at Unsplash

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