Merlin Software Riddle Answers
May 21, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I???
Answer: A candle.
June 11, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
The cost of making only the maker knows, valueless if bought, but sometimes traded. A poor man may give one as easily as a king. When one is broken pain and deceit are assured. What is it????
Answer: A promise.
July 2, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
I’m always in front of you, but you can never see me. What am I?
Answer: The future.
July 30, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?
Answer: A telephone
August 20, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
A box without hinges, key, or lid; yet golden treasure inside is hid.
What am I?
Answer: An egg (thanks to J.R.R. Tolkein)
September 17, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
Which is the largest room in the world? What am I?
Answer: The room for improvement.
October 15, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
What can be stolen, mistaken, or altered, yet never leaves you your entire life?
Answer: Your identity.
November 26, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
Why are the rates at the Bird Hotel so much lower than other 4 star hotels?
Answer: Toucan stay for one!
December 21, 2020: The answer to our latest riddle is:
What do you get when you cross Santa Claus and a duck?
Answer: A Christmas Quacker!
January 21, 2021: The answer to our latest riddle is:
When you need me, you throw me away. When you don’t need me, you carry me back. What am I?
Answer: An anchor!
February 25, 2021: The answer to our latest riddle is:
What five-letter word in English is pronounced the same with four of its letters removed?
Answer: Queue!
April 1, 2021: The answer to our latest riddle is:
What is the coolest letter in the alphabet?
Answer: The letter B. It is surrounded by AC!
April 29, 2021: The answer to our latest riddle is:
There are 20 people in an empty, square room. Each person has full sight of the entire room and everyone in it without turning their head or body or moving in any way (other than the eyes). Where can you place an apple so that all but one person can see it?
Answer: Put the apple on somebody’s head.
May 28, 2021: The answer to our latest riddle is:
I’m a weight on your shoulders and only bring you down. My only weakness is above you. What am I?
Answer: Gravity.
June 29, 2021: The answer to our latest riddle is:
What can run without legs?
Answer: Water
July 30, 2021: The answer to our latest riddle is:
I have 11 friends and I’m the shortest of them all. What is my name?
Answer: February
August 30, 2021: The answer to our latest riddle is:
What’s red and smells like blue paint?
Answer: Red paint
October 1, 2021: The answer to our lastest riddle is:
You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?
Answer: They are all married