Merlin Software announces new enhancement release date
The Merlin Software team has announced that the date for the next enhancement release will be on on Saturday, March 3, at 23:30 – 01:00 UTC. We will be releasing a wide range of enhancements and new functionality at this time. If you would like to convert this in to your local time zone, click HERE.
We will be updating the Merlin Live Server at this time so that you can access these important enhancements with a minimum of disruption to your operation and business processes.
These latest enhancement release will include:
- To keep up with the latest internet security, we have made changes to our password requirements. Contact support for further information;
- Also for security, we have added additional export options, linked to user rights, on some reports as they show personal guest information;
- You can now prevent transactions being entered more than N days into the future. You’ll find this in company set-up;
- We’ve made it easier for your users to create contract instalments with pre-created interest. You can now set up defaults for the GL category for FD accounts and the interest revenue account. This means users don’t have to remember – and these can’t be edited;
- To comply with EU requirements, VAT reports now include name, nationality, and passport number (where applicable) for each VAT invoice;
- Users can now structure the balance owing on a rental invoice rather than having to structure the entire invoice.
Further information on all the enhancements being released can be found by clicking on the blue “Merlin Enhancements” button after you have logged into Merlin. This page is continually updated with new enhancements as they are released, so it is important that you check this page on a regular basis.
If you have any questions about the upgrade, please contact Merlin’s support team on support@quickmerlin.com who will be happy to help.