How to regain customer confidence post Covid-19
For a resort to restart after the Covid-19 lockdown, the key is instilling customer confidence. And that means getting the message out to them now that it’s safe to return when travel limitations end.
The Merlin team has been busy reading the advice of experts (so you don’t have to). Here are some of their top tips:
1 Make sure you’re up to date with the requirements set by government and read the guidelines from trade associations. There is a wealth of advice and information out there. Take a look at American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) “Safe Stay,” initiative to enhance industry-wide hotel cleaning standards.
2 Your guests are going to be unsure of new protocols so help them. If you have a check-in app or new keyless entry, tell them before they arrive and explain how they use it. This will reduce stress and confusion.
3 Don’t forget to show your guests, in your marketing materials, what your strategy is for containing the virus. Maybe put together a short video or infographic which explains the steps you are taking for their safety.
4 Consider having items available for them to use such as throw-away masks, branded hand sanitizer and effective soaps. Have hand sanitizer stations in reception, install plexi-glass hygiene guards at front desk and implement single-use key cards for the remainder of the year. Or install a snap scan app so guests can open the doors via their electronic device.
5 When they arrive in their apartment, have a note from the housekeeper explaining how the unit was cleaned, the products used, and the extra steps taken for their safety. For guest safety and comfort, staff should not enter any occupied room. Housekeeping services should only include pre-scheduled trash removal, amenity replenishment, and fresh towels and linens.

6 New protocols, products and processes are going to take time for stakeholders to understand and embrace. Make sure that you leave ample time to train your team so that you have consistency in your approach. Your guests will appreciate a unified message and application and customer confidence will grow.
7 Take every opportunity during low occupancy to spread out guests and employees. Explain to guests that for their safety they might not get the apartments they own or have chosen. Rather, assign units that have been deep cleaned and thoroughly sanitized, and that are located at least two units away from any other currently occupied rooms if possible.
8 The median incubation period for coronavirus is 5.1 days before a person will start to exhibit the symptoms of coronavirus. For this reason, experts are advising that you use your entire inventory rather than grouping occupied rooms into one specific wing or floor. And try not to place guests in apartments that have been occupied within the past five to six days.
9 If you offer this service, consider offering extended complimentary breakfast hours, or alternatively, require guests to take their food and beverage to their units. Provide to-go containers or grab-and-go breakfast alternatives. Do not permit guests to congregate in the lobby in close proximity to each other.
10 Until the pandemic passes, gyms, guest locker areas, pools, and spas should be shuttered.
11 Look after the welfare of your employees to make sure you have a healthy workforce Stagger shifts to prevent the simultaneous arrival and departure of large groups and avoid large gatherings. Each staff member should report if they are feeling unwell at the start of their shift and sent home if they are exhibiting any indicators.
Tell us what you’re doing
We are all in this together. So we’d would love to hear about your tips for increasing customer confidence and getting ready to open post lockdown. How is your resort handling the additional hygiene and maintenance requirements? Do you have any tips you can share with other resorts?
Let us know by email info@quickmerlin.com and we’ll share them on our website.