Holiday Season Hours 2017
Over the coming holiday season, the Merlin Software head office will be closed from Friday, December 22nd through to Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018 when our normal working hours will resume.
To ensure you receive the best service during this time, Merlin support staff will be available from 04:00 to 16:00 GMT on weekdays. Support logs will be monitored over the weekend and public holidays and urgent support logs will be dealt with. However, no development work will take place.
We do understand that these hours may not be ideal coverage for your time zone, so we have emailed users with details on how to log a support request. Please take some time to read through the email so that we can provide you with the best support during this time. However, here is a quick reminder below:
- You can log a support request by clicking the link on the bottom of each page in Merlin (it says in pale blue Log Support Request)
- Subject Line: Enter short summary of the issue.
- Body: Enter details of the issue. You can also follow this up with an email with screen shots and so on.
- After Hours Urgency: Tell us how urgent this is.
- Wait for acknowledgment that your support log has been received and is being attended to. You will receive this acknowledgment to the email address of the user who logged the support log. This is sent automatically the moment a Merlin support staff member starts your support log.
Wishing a very enjoyable holiday season and a happy New Year.