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A Holiday Message From Our CEO Mike Pnematicatos

A holiday message from our CEO Mike Pnematicatos

No one would have believed in the last months of 2019 that our lives would change forever as we entered into 2020. Few would have thought that an unseen and unheard of virus would wreak such havoc on the world.

We stand at the end of this year and look into the future, trying to determine what it holds for us all. The planets and stars are far more predictable than the fortunes of humankind.

With that in mind, make sure you take a look towards the west on the evening of 23rd December. Marvel at Jupiter and Saturn in alignment. A sight that hasn’t been seen this close from the Earth since the year 1226.

That is about the only prediction for the future that I am willing to make right now in this holiday message.

Looking back, there are specific observations to make and things to say. During the early part of the pandemic, realizing that the travel and hospitality industries would be the most severely affected, we reached out and came together with our clients.

We strategized on what to do that would ensure their and our survival. The mutual support was heart-warming. We cannot express our thanks enough to our supportive clients, and we trust that they felt the support from us as well.

The Merlin Team also put in a heroic effort. Unbelievably, we have been busier than ever before. We have designed and built new features. Clients were supported and assisted. And of course, working from home became the norm.

While we always believed that the future was in the cloud, never did we think that it would be the saviour for us all. Everyone could carry on doing what they did in the office, but now from home.

I am sure that 2021 will still be a tough year. But with a collective effort, we should all be able to weather the storm and come out on the other side, if not stronger, then at least wiser and closer to each other.

Seasons Greetings to you all.

Mike Pnematicatos

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